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Details of his contributions to the development of 10, 40, 50, 100, 200, and 400G optical interfaces.
- 400G: Chris directed the development of 400GbE LR8 CFP8 and 400GbE LR8 QSFP-DD transceivers for core and transport, industry first 400G demos at OFC and ECOC in 2016, and industry first 400G revenue shipments and operational network use. He defined and led the standardization of 400G LR8 spec in the IEEE, and CFP8 module in the CFP MSA. He also led the development of first 400GbE FR4 QSFP-DD transceiver, its demo at OFC 2019, and standardization of key specs in the IEEE.
- 400G Silicon Photonics: Chris led the industry first development of 50GBaud SiPIC 3D stack, its industry first demos at ECOC 2014 and OFC 2015, and JLT publication. He then directed the development of 400GbE DR4 (PSM4) QSFP-DD transceiver based on the 50GBaud SiPIC technology, its industry first demos at ECOC 2018 and OFC 2019, industry interop testing, and shipment of alpha units to end users.
- 200G: Chris directed the development of 200GbE FR4 QSFP56 and 2x200GbE OSFP transceivers for Cloud DCs, and their industry first 200G revenue shipment. He proposed and led the standardization of 200G FR4 and LR4 in the IEEE, and co-lead and contributed to the MSA specification of the OSFP form factor.
- 100G: Chris directed the development of 100GbE CWDM4 and LR4 QSFP28 transceivers, which have been II-VI/Finisar top revenue products. He also led the development of 100G ER4f APD based 40km transceiver and its industry first demo at OFC 2014. He defined the widely used 2, 10, 20, and 40km WDM specs and led the 100G CWDM4 and 100G 4WDM MSAs in their standardization, as well as their corresponding specs in the ITU-T.
Chris earlier architected and managed the development of 100GbE LR4 CFP, CFP2, and CFP4, and 100GbE SR10 CFP and CFP2 transceivers, and their industry first 100G revenue shipments into core and transport. These were Finisar's top revenue products and continue to ship profitably. He defined and led the standardization of 100GbE LR4 (spec) and ER4 (spec) in the IEEE, corresponding G.959.1 specs in the ITU-T, and CFPx form factors in the CFP MSA.
- 50G: Chris defined and led the standardization of the 50G LR spec in the IEEE, and of the DSFP form factor in the DSFP MSA for 5G Mobile applications.
- 40G: Chris proposed and led the IEEE standardization of 40GbE WDM and Parallel specs, including 40GbE LR4, LM4, SR4 (spec) and 40GbE ER4, based on his proposal to use CWDM for Ethernet, as well as the ITU-T corresponding G.695 specs. He led the development and industry first delivery of 40G duplex MMF WDM transceiver.
At BBN (Finisar acquisition) and at Finisar, he architected and led the development of two generations of 40G VSR 300-pin transceivers for Core and Transport, and their industry first 40G revenue shipments. He also contributed to their ITU-T G.693 and IEEE 40GbE FR specs.
- 10G: Chris led the BBN 10GbE LRM XAUI transceiver development and industry first revenue shipment.
His bibliography has nearly 300 optical communication related entries.
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